Andrea Duranti, Health, Safety, Environment Manager: “Since its foundation, Meccanotecnica Umbra has always chosen to protect and safeguard the values which inspire the company’s pursuit of business, such as compliance with legislation, transparent conduct, and embracing a concrete responsibility towards the local area, employees, the communities in which it operates and all stakeholders.
The company guarantees the correct implementation and utmost dissemination of the Company Ethical Code, in full compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the adoption and implementation of the Management and Control Organisation Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01.
The company follows the SA8000 standard for corporate social responsibility, which will soon undergo certification.
Meccanotecnica runs environmental education, safety and sustainability projects in partnership with local companies, schools and bodies, with the support of MTU Academy, a Meccanotecnica company founded with the purpose of playing a reference role in encouraging the meeting and development of human, managerial and industrial skills; it also participates in projects which aim to promote cultural resources and heritage within the fields in which it operates (recently it contributed towards the renovation of the Temple of Clitumnus, a UNESCO world heritage site.”
Maria Cecilia Sassi:, Health, Safety, Environment Department Member:”At Meccanotecnica Umbra, attention to the environment has always been very high, amply transcending scrupulous and constant compliance with environmental regulations; we are constantly pushing environmental performance levels up higher. This continuous improvement system has been ISO 14001 certified since 1999 and EMAS registered since 2007.
This topic permeates all aspects of company life, with focus on the creation of products that are more compatible with the environment, not only during production steps, with the minimisation of our production site’s impact, but also in research and the development of products with higher performance levels along the entire life cycle.
Attention to and respect for the environment is also a requirement along the entire material supply chain: our suppliers are subjected to a process for the selection, evaluation and monitoring of environmental standards.
These topics are the focal point of different technical work groups in which Meccanotecnica actively participates, with INAIL (National Institute For Insurance Against Labour Accidents), ANFIA (Italian Association of the Automotive Industry) and CONFINDUSTRIA (Association of Italian Industries).”
Stefano Mancini, Facilities and Safety Manager: “The company pursues constant energy saving, with projects for the progressive replacement of traditional light bulbs with more efficient ones, the use of a trigeneration system that generates electrical power, heats and cools using a single energy carrier (so high efficiency), and a 215 kW photovoltaic plant in addition to the existing 85 kW photovoltaic plant and specific interventions on compressed air and efficient motors
Regarding safety, Meccanotecnica guarantees a structured approach to accident and occupational disease prevention and reduction, with the adoption of an occupational health and safety management system that is ISO45001 certified, with constant monitoring of legislative conformity and continuous improvement, constantly encouraging the participation of workers in safety issues, with reports and suggestions for risk analysis. Over the last few years, the company has also extensively invested in asbestos removal and improvements to the earthquake resistance of building structures.”